Evaluation of baseline cleanliness of food contact surfaces in Basrah Governorate restaurants using ATP-bioluminescence to assess the effectiveness of HACCP application in Iraq
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ATP-bioluminescence, bacteria, contamination, food safety, HACCP
The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system prevents and manages physical, chemical and biological risks at places where foods and beverages are processed, packaged, distributed and consumed. The present study (1) assessed the level of microbial contamination of food contact surfaces using adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-bioluminescence in Iraq restaurants; (2) investigated the level of microbial contamination of food contact surfaces; and (3) evaluated the efficiency of sanitizers in removing biological hazards from food contact surfaces. The ATP-bioluminescence discovered the presence of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus on surfaces and tools. Results also showed that the HACCP application was very effective in the amelioration of food quality.
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